In memory of a great man who helped my journey through life with support and encouragement, there in both good times and bad. Both Sandie and I had many good times with him and he will leave a hole in our lives that can never be filled. He will be missed and our hearts will grieve for the man who brightened our time on this earth, forever in our thoughts and prayers, we will never forget you.
3rd February 2022
I longed for you stay with me, but the time had come for Natasha to have her daddy with her. I will love you forever Mike, and your both be in my heart.
Your very own wife Plum.
28th January 2022
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Michael.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by Deacon Funeral Services on 17/01/2022